Mini Me n’ Mini Post

Hellooooo! I wish I could share loads of fun pics from the weekend, but I actually didn’t take many. I wish I could tell you all about my healthy weekend, but I failed in that arena as well. Lastly, I wish I was still home, but it’s back to the daily grind. Oh well – at least I had fun!

So what do I have for you? Tidbits from yesterday and a promise for a more enlightening post in the (hopefully-near) future. I also have a blog recap. In case you missed it…

Yesterday, I hit the gym in the morning before Kev and I got started on our housework. I followed my September workout and did leg curls and leg extensions as a superset. I also completed 40 minutes of moderate cardio. Austin Powers (the one with Mini Me) was on television, so that made cardio a bit more enjoyable.

Mini Mesource

I tried to “healthify” my evening by making a grilled veggie wrap, which consisted of eggplant, zucchini, homemade hummus, kalamata olives, and a Flatout wrap. This was the third eggplant wrap I made this weekend. I think I should lay off for a while!

Sadly, I left it on the grill a little too long. It’s an ugly pic, but I’m not so sure eggplant wraps could ever look attractive.

Leia, on the other hand, is always pretty!

She and I relaxed on the couch before I took a break for yet another treat (ice cream n’ granola). Yeah… ending the indulgent weekend on a healthy note didn’t work out so well for me.

Do you have a hard time staying on track on the weekends?

If you stay on track, do you have any tips for me??? 🙂

25 Comments to “Mini Me n’ Mini Post”

  1. I am always more laid back on weekends too. I get my workouts in, but definitely have more treats. I remind myself that it all balances out for me and I’m still maintaining so that’s what matters. 😉

    And eggplant wraps sound delicious. I wuold have a bazillion myself!

  2. Ohhh I love the ice cream + granola combination! Calcium, whole grains, healthy fats.. girl that’s a healthy note in my book 😉
    Lately I’ve been making banana ice cream and putting a dollop of sunflower seed butter and granola on top and it’s taken the place of my regular nightly ice cream. Weekends are always a challenge to stay on track, especiallllly holiday weekends, but that’s what you have weekdays for eh?
    To stay on track I keep myself busy! It seems like I munch all day if I’m having a lazy day, but if I’m on the move I don’t tend to think about the food

  3. Leia sure loves a cuddle what a cutie:) your verggie wrap sounds yummy.. theres nothing wring with a well deserved bowl of icecream at the end of your weekend!

  4. I try and stay on track at the weekends and on most parts I do otherwise I feel sick eating too many sugary foods. Luckily my body is now drawn to veggies and fruit more rather than the processed stuff.

  5. I’m definitely more relaxed on the weekends… it keeps me sane! 😉 LOVING the idea of ice cream with granola btw! Can’t believe I didn’t think of that myself!! YUM!

  6. I’m also more relaxed on the weekend but mainly because we surf on Saturday and I figure I burn a thousand calories and can eat and drink whatever afterwards… 🙂
    P.S. – It’s Truthful Tuesday today… head on over and let it out… 🙂

    xoxo from Trinidad

  7. I love when a good movie/tv show is on at the gym because it really makes cardio fly by! My mom’s gym has a movie theater cardio room and she dragged me to watch Rocky V there on Saturday. I don’t get into the Rocky movies as much ss her, but it did make time go by fast.

    I use the weekends to indulge in some of my favorite junk food, so I have no tips for you! haha.

  8. Mmmm eggplant wrap sounds so good!!! I love eggplant especially nice a roasty so I’m sure grilling it up in a toasty wrap is delicious!!!

  9. I found that if I am a little more lax during the week then the weekend isn’t so bad and I therefore end up consumming less calories in a week. Let’s assume I am super strict with my eating plan all week and then on the weekend I eat all the “good stuff” and in excess. But if I eat some of the good stuff throughout the week in moderation I never feel deprived and then therefore don’t usually go overboard on the weekend.

  10. I’ve just been eating weird things lately because I’ve failed to go grocery shopping. Oh, and Mike wanted Chinese food last night so any healthy eating just went out the window. Oh well.. it should be allowed once in a while 🙂

  11. I tried to take a picture of eggplant once and it looked terrible… like a slug… but I love it anyway!! I’m dying right now cause I have a physical which requires a fasting blood test = no breakfast 😦

  12. The weekend is definitely harder to stay on track. But I do the best I can! 🙂

  13. I’m definitely more laid back on the weekends as well. Although when I spend lots of time at/on the beach, I tend to get less hungry than usual. The long runs for my half training sort of helped, although I totally missed mine this weeked. Oops!

  14. I’m either super on top of my workouts with all the extra time of the weekends or a complete slacker b/c I want to relax and enjoy myself. One extreme or the other, no middle ground 😉

  15. As I have recovered, I find that I am much more comfortable indulging a bit on the weekends and being totally fine with this! I am so sick of restricting all of the time, so it’s nice to just say “the hell with it” once in a while. I do still practice self-control through and try to limit myself to just a few treats that I truly want

  16. I usually don’t think of eating in terms of “staying on track” – I usually just indulge in whatever I want when I’m craving it and keep the portion sizes reasonable. I think so long as you’re listening to your body and only eating when you’re hungry (or not eating too much if you’re not really hungry, but just looking for a snack) you’ll be A-OK 🙂

  17. I agree with what Cait said above! I follow the same principles 🙂

  18. I’m pretty terrible on weekends… I love going out for epic dinners! 🙂 BUT I am really good about getting workouts in and staying on track throughout the week. Honestly, if I restricted weekend fun I’d be unhappy. It all balances out (I hope!).

  19. I’m like you, I barely took any photos this weekend. When I actually did pull my camera out to take some the battery was dead! Go figure! I’m glad you had a great weekend!

  20. It’s hilarious because I watched Austin Powers this weekend, too!

    However, I was sitting on my couch… not at the gym… fail. :p

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