October 5, 2011

New Location – I made the switch!

Hello and thanks for visiting!  I have great news.  You can now find me at my new site:




Please update your bookmarks, Google readers, favorites bars, etc. accordingly.  Oh, and take note that there’s no longer an “and” or a “wordpress” in the URL.

Thanks again for stopping by the blog.  I hope you can make it to the new site!

October 5, 2011

What I Ate Wednesday

IMPORTANT: I (mainly) finished fixing up my new site!  Some of your comments from today’s post will not transfer, but for the rest of you – please visit http://www.lovesweatbeers.com  <– nope, no “and” or “wordpress”  WooHoo!  (I’m still fixing a few minor cosmetics, but it’s up and running!)
Remember those goals I mentioned yesterday in the Goooaaaaals post?  (Can you tell I’m a soccer fan?)  As you can see from my eats, I’ve been fairly good about following the goals.  Woohoo!  I also had a great workout yesterday.  I’m excited to share it with you later in the week.
First breakfast has been a rice cake (which hasn’t included peeb yet but probably will soon).  My post-gym breakfast has been a pear, 15 g walnuts, and 1/3 cup of oats.  Oh, and I also add a dash of cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice.

Walnuts & Cinnamon = Mmmmmmm

Before lunch, I got the munchies, so I had some tea and sugar snap peas.

My Fav 2 Teas

For lunch this week, I made a tahini cream.  It was supposed to be a sauce, but it thickened overnight.  Whoops!  The flavor still rocks.  It has tahini, apple juice, and apple cider vinegar.  I throw that with some raisins and chickpeas over broccoli slaw and shredded cabbage.
veg bowl

Veg Bowl

Snack is incredible.  I love apples.  I love peanut butter.  Snack is an apple with peanut butter, and despite its simplicity, it’s one of the best meals of the day.

Non-Pink "Pink Lady" Apple

I’ve changed up dinner this week.  Last night I made Tiffos Rancheros.  Those never disappoint!

Delicious Veggies n' Eggs

Going gluten free is easy when you have all your stuff, but I can see how eating out or trying to grab a vending machine snack would be crazy difficult.  I feel for you guys!  I also don’t think I could be vegan.  I thought my eats were vegan yesterday, but I forgot about the eggs in dinner.  Labeling oneself is particularly limiting!  Props to those of you who stick with it!  Luckily my popcorn is GF!

For my salt cravings...

Do you have any allergies or moral restrictions on any foods?  Does it get easier with time or stay hard?!?
Be sure to check out Peas and Crayons to see more great meal ideas!

October 4, 2011


Before sharing my goals, I have to share this video. That’s me in a workout video with Jeanette Jenkins! Cool, right? This was filmed in May when I went to Cali, and I’m so happy FitSugar finally posted it yesterday. I look like a goofus in the video, but I don’t even care. I’m sharing it anyway!

Click on the Image to See the Video on FitSugar

Back to those goals…
I planned two little short-term goals. One is for the week, and one is for the month. I’ve never been that awesome at goal-setting or goal-attaining, but this is worth a shot, right?
Month Goal
I want to practice yoga more frequently. I normally only practice yoga once a month because I find it incredibly boring. However, I truly believe in the healing and rejuvenating powers of yoga.
cleo yoga
Yoga improves my running and my flexibility while also lowering my stress levels and making my entire body feel more relaxed and refreshed. Sitting at a cube all day, wearing dress shoes, and staring at a computer screen is no fun. Some barefoot yoga with hip openers and back stretches helps undo the damage!
kitties distract me

Kitties Distract Me

Now, if only I can stick to it… I’m shooting for three times per week. Each practice can be an hour long or just 10 minutes. Feel free to join me!
Week Goal
My tummy hasn’t been agreeing with all the weekend junk food me lately, so I’m giving it a little break. For as long as I can stand it (a few days or all the way through Friday), I’m limiting my caffeine intake by swapping 2 cups of coffee for 1 cup of tea. I’m also increasing my veggies and cutting out meat. I’ll also be cutting out all dairy and gluten. Luckily I don’t have lactose or gluten intolerance, but I’ve heard both can make you feel a bit more bloated and blah. Sooooo, why not? It’s just a few days, right?

Last Night's Dinner

On a side note, I actually thought I might have a gluten intolerance a year or two ago. I was losing my hair, experiencing major tummy troubles, and having horrible acne breakouts. No medicine was helping, and I was running out of options. It turns out the issue was just high stress. I had a lot on my plate; thank goodness I got better!
Do you set up goals for yourself? Do you have any current ones?
October 3, 2011

Best Beer Month of the Year

I’m sorry for the ugly header image. I was trying new things, but I’ve got something else in the works. Prepare for another change!

I love October! I don’t know if I could narrow down a favorite month, but this one is definitely up on my list. Leaves start to change color, and Kev & I have our anniversary this month. It’s also worth noting that I thoroughly enjoy Oktoberfest/Märzen beers.

Beer Advocate states:

Before refrigeration, it was nearly impossible to brew beer in the summer due to the hot weather and bacterial infections. Brewing ended with the coming of spring, and began again in the fall. Most were brewed in March (Märzen). These brews were kept in cold storage over the spring and summer months, or brewed at a higher gravity, so they’d keep. Märzenbier is full-bodied, rich, toasty, typically dark copper in color with a medium to high alcohol content.

They are mild but flavorful, and most importantly, they’re delicious! Kevin and I bought a small keg of local Oktoberfest beer on Friday night. We invited some friends over Saturday to drink it and watch the Clemson game. (On a side note – Go Tigers!)

I made pulled pork bbq, fruit salad, and purchased some Pringles.


BBQ = Mmmmmm

Our friends brought lots of other goodies too.


Chicken Chili, Salsa, Pimiento Cheese, & Buffalo Dip

We had so much food! I also baked Angela’s carrot cake loaf (sans glaze) again for some of our sleepover guests to have in the morning. Yum!


Love This Loaf

As you can see, I had a great weekend. I wrapped it up with grocery shopping and a healthy Sunday dinner.


Roast Brussels Sprouts & Dr. Praeger's Spinach Pancakes

What was the best thing you did this weekend? Do you like hosting company as much as I do?

October 1, 2011

Sweatin’ on Saturday

As you all may remember, blisters kept me out of the gym all week.  Bummer!  Luckily, they had healed well enough for me to go for a run yesterday.  I completed 2.5 miles before completing a 10-minute ExerciseTV workout and my at-home lower body routine.

Lean Leg Routine (It’s cool because it rhymes.)

  • *Complete 15-20 reps of each exercise (I mostly did 20) in three sets.
  • Fire Hydrants (side leg lifts from table position)
  • Bridge Pose with Leg Cross & Extension (booty burner!)
  • Donkey Kicks (I straightened my leg and used a resistance band.)
  • Lying Leg Lifts/Adductor Lift (inner thighs)
  • Regular or Walking Lunges (walking are best)
  • Plie Squat with Calf Raise

This week, my workouts were something like this…

I also tried out one of my EAS goodies in a new way.  I am going to save the rest of them for on-the-go moments, but I wanted to see how they’d taste in a smoothie.

In goes the spinach…


Mix with a bit of strawberry (or chocolate) Myoplex Carb Control shake – add more (but not quite all) of the shake with a frozen banana…

smoothie in a bowl

And get a huge bowl of frothy, smooth goodness!  You can’t taste much strawberry, and you can’t taste any spinach.  It’s banana with a hint of berry.  As stated, I probably won’t be making this again, but it was quite tasty.  Not to mention, my ingredients made waaaaay bigger smoothie than I thought they would (especially because of it’s extra froth volume)!

I need to walk with Kev and work to do around the house before we have guests over tonight, so I better get going.  Have a great weekend!

September 29, 2011

EAS Goodies

Happy Friday! Are you as happy as I am that the weekend is upon us? Of course you are. What a silly question!

As you know, I received goodies from EAS recently, and I’ve finally had a chance to try them all. Here are the three types that I received.

friday 004 (2)

All three tasted great. The chocolate ones reminded me of chocolate milk, yet I still think I preferred the strawberry.

The strawberry flavor I received is the EAS Myoplex Carb Control shake. The body recovers most effectively when a post-workout meal or snack contains both protein and carbohydrates. The shake gave me lots of protein, and the apple gave me the fibrous carbohydrates to keep me full and repair my muscles. Not to mention both pack very easily!

wiaw 001

By the way, here are two articles (Road Runner Sports & Fitness Magazine) about carbs and protein for recovery.

The shake that was best for me, however, was the EAS Myoplex Nutrition Shake. This one has a screw cap that allows me to only have half at a time. Refueling within thirty minutes of your workout yields the best results, but I usually wait 1 hr and 45 minutes due to my shower time and commute to work. I can have half of this bottle right after my workout, seal it, and have the rest of it with oats or a piece of fruit when I get to the office.

blog 001

Here’s the breakdown on my goodies:

Nutrient Data Myoplex Carb Control Ready-To-Drink AdvantEDGE Carb Control Ready-To-Drink

Myoplex Strength Formula Ready-To-Drink

Calories 150 110 210
Cal from Fat 30 25 25
Fat 3.5 3 2.5
Saturated Fat 0 0.5 0.5
Trans Fat 0 0 0
Cholesterol 15 25 20
Sodium 430 340 280
Potassium 490 470 440
Carbohydrate 5 4 23
Dietary Fiber 2 1 3
Sugars 1 0 5
Protein 25 17 25

As you can see, the AdvantEDGE Carb Control shake has only 110 calories and 0 sugars for its 17 g of protein. Sweet.

As my regular readers know, I try to stick with “real” foods when possible, but I think these are great on-the-go helpers to keep me on track. If you have time, I recommend their website. I checked it out earlier and was pleased at the amount of helpful articles, product descriptions, and even demonstrated strength exercises.

Have you tried EAS products? Do you have a favorite go-to protein?

I feel that I should mention that I skipped yesterday’s workout, and I had a hunk of cake for snack. Wow. This has not been the best week for me!

Luckily, my blisters are healing really well, and I am going for a run today. Hopefully I’ll run myself right back on track with my workouts and eating. K, out the door now!

Have a great weekend! Check back tomorrow for a recipe and a workout!

September 29, 2011

Friday Eve

Happy Friday Eve!  See, when it’s one of those weeks when I can’t believe it’s only Thursday, I like to refer to the day as Friday Eve instead.  It sounds better, doesn’t it?


I have a few opinionated tips for you all today.  The post is really pretty scatter-written because I’m scatter-brained right now.  Bear with me.

1. When swinging weights or kettle bells around “at tempo” during a workout, don’t hit yourself in the knee.  It bruises.  It hurts.


It's not a crazy one, but it's big for me!

2.  If you must go for a frozen meal, but an Evol dish.  I had my first one yesterday, and it was quite tasty.

teriyaki chicken bowl

Teriyaki Chicken Bowl

They’re healthy, gluten-free, and even the ingredients are attractive!


Sorry for Soy Haters

3. If you’re doing one-legged dead lifts, be sure to count how many you do.  I definitely overdid it on Tuesday, and it felt like I got kidney punched on both sides.  I was sore all day yesterday!

Thanks for the pic, Women's Health Magazine!

4. Have a backup plan.  On Monday, I gave into office pressure and had Mayfield Mint Chocolate Chip Select ice cream.  It was awesome.  Yesterday, I refused soft, fresh, delicious-smelling cookies.  Instead of grabbing a cookie, I had decaf vanilla chai tea.  Was it as good as a cookie?  Not even close.  Did I feel a lot better about myself (especially a lot better than Monday)?  Heck yes.  Thank goodness for backup plans!

Bigelow Tea

It's tasty tea, but I later saw that it's artificially flavored. (Bummer!)

5. Don’t stress!  I’m busy and a little stressed at the moment with work and my friends’ inability to plan.  I’m also frustrated that I can’t find the answers I want for the blog.  I’d hoped to be self hosting by now with a slightly different look.  As you can see… I am not.

Thanks for reading.  I hope you took away at least one useful tidbit of knowledge!

What’s the best frozen or pre-prepared grocery meal you’ve had lately?

September 28, 2011

WIAW: Lazy Girl Edition

This WIAW is brought to you by the leftovers in my fridge, and by the letter W (Actually, by the letters W-I-A-W, for What I Ate Wednesday).

Kermit & W


First breakfast has been a slice of 100-calorie whole wheat bread.  As much as I love Trader Joe’s, I have to admit – I dislike their bread.  No.  I despise their bread.  It’s awful.  I woke up very hungry yesterday, so my slice also included a glob of peeb (peanut butter).  Yup – the bread tasted much better!

Sorry – No Pic!

Second breakfast all week will be an EAS shake and an apple.  I like to think it’s a very-repairing and easily-packable, post-workout breakfast.

eas & apple

Lunch is just about as lazy as that breakfast.  For three days, I’m having Applegate Farms deli turkey with flavorless TJs bread.  I go out of my way to make it special by adding a little lettuce and Dijon mustard.  I know, I know – I shouldn’t work myself so hard. ::wink::  I am eating a daily veggie along with my sandwich.

lazy lunch

For snack, I’m eating logs all week.  (I guess ants on a log are just logs without the ants, right?)  Actually, I had a bit of ice cream Monday, but for the rest of the week, it is celery and peeb.  (Stupid office treats got the best of me!)


Monday and Tuesday’s dinner was a taco-fajita-thing.  It consisted of spices, bell pepper, onion, green chilies, salsa, and lean ground turkey (browned and drained).  Kevin had his with fat-free refried beans and tortillas.  I threw mine atop lettuce.  Both versions were incredibly quick and easy.


On Tuesday, I did put a tortilla with my salad too - Yum!

Tonight’s dinner will be fish, rice and spinach.  I’m actually kind of excited about it.  My evening snack has been popcorn every night so far, but I think I’ll throw some tea into the mix tonight.

Be sure to check out Peas & Crayons for more fun meal ideas!

What’s the best thing you’ve eaten this week?

September 27, 2011

Go Away Mister Blister

This past weekend, I wore my boots instead of heels for tailgating. It sounded like a great idea at the time, especially because Kevin and I do so much walking on game days.

However… that didn’t go as well as I’d hoped. I now have 2 enormous craters blisters on my heels, and they hurt like crazy. The blisters drastically changed my workout plan for the week. Instead of finishing up one more week of the Tearin’ It Up workout, I will be doing at-home workouts that can be completed barefoot.

I’ve found a couple good workouts online, but please let me know if you know of any other good ones I can try. I’ll share all my findings with you at the end of the week.

I wanted to share these 5 things that have been making me smile lately.

1. Monkey Socks with Penguin Shorts

kev’s one lucky guy

Kev’s one lucky guy seeing this at night...

2. Nutritional Yeast: I didn’t like it on broccoli, but it’s a winner on spaghetti squash! I’m glad I gave it another shot.


Yummy Bowl of Squash

3. Funny Search Terms: I’m not sure who found my blog by searching for “sweaty pizza unicorn,” but I hope you found something useful here.

4. Packages: EAS sent me goodies recently. I can’t wait to try all the stuff and give a thorough and honest review.

5. Neck Wrap

warm n' wonderful

I don’t talk about general wellness here, probably because I think I’m already living my life pretty darn well as it is. I still can’t deny that broad and overall wellness is important. Stress reduction is a big part of that, and with this busy week, I need a little extra stress reduction in my life. That’s where the awesome neck wrap comes into play. It’s warm, smells of soothing lavender, and goes really well with my hot mug of decaf chai tea.

What are you loving lately? Any fun, new products worth mentioning?

September 26, 2011

Weekend of Champions… and French Fries

Did anyone catch the Clemson game?  If you missed it, I’ll summarize by saying Clemson won!  Woohoo!  (I’m sorry to any FSU fans.  I’ll quit talking about football now.)

On Friday, Kevin and I stayed home and went to bed early.  We got up at 5:30 a.m. on Saturday to get a start on the day.  I went for a quick run before we hit the road for Tiger Town.  See how early we left???  It was still dark outside!

sweaty tiff

Sweaty 2 Squeaky Clean

I tried to keep the day somewhat healthy.  I had light beer and a wheat babaganoush pita for lunch.

Walking to the tailgate + Pita love

But after a couple more beers, Kevin thought chili cheese fries were a good idea.  Fail.  I had a veggie burger for dinner, and I kept from eating all of my fries.  Un-fail?  After a couple more beers, we got some incredibly delicious cheese pizza.  Hmmm… that’d be another fail.  At least it was good!

Cheese Fries n' Veggie Burger

Luckily, after all of these indulgences, I managed to keep my daily average calories at 1645.  Not too shabby.  [FYI, I am not listing all this food to encourage noshing on junk.  I’d feel awful telling you all how healthy my weekly meals are but hiding my shameful weekend treats.]

We even made it back Sunday in time for my friend’s baby shower.  I wrapped up the weekend with Kevin, the kitties, and Shrek.  Whew – now I think I need a weekend to relax from my weekend!

kitty pillow

Kev & Leia

Did you have a good weekend?  What was the best thing you did?