Archive for September 26th, 2011

September 26, 2011

Weekend of Champions… and French Fries

Did anyone catch the Clemson game?  If you missed it, I’ll summarize by saying Clemson won!  Woohoo!  (I’m sorry to any FSU fans.  I’ll quit talking about football now.)

On Friday, Kevin and I stayed home and went to bed early.  We got up at 5:30 a.m. on Saturday to get a start on the day.  I went for a quick run before we hit the road for Tiger Town.  See how early we left???  It was still dark outside!

sweaty tiff

Sweaty 2 Squeaky Clean

I tried to keep the day somewhat healthy.  I had light beer and a wheat babaganoush pita for lunch.

Walking to the tailgate + Pita love

But after a couple more beers, Kevin thought chili cheese fries were a good idea.  Fail.  I had a veggie burger for dinner, and I kept from eating all of my fries.  Un-fail?  After a couple more beers, we got some incredibly delicious cheese pizza.  Hmmm… that’d be another fail.  At least it was good!

Cheese Fries n' Veggie Burger

Luckily, after all of these indulgences, I managed to keep my daily average calories at 1645.  Not too shabby.  [FYI, I am not listing all this food to encourage noshing on junk.  I’d feel awful telling you all how healthy my weekly meals are but hiding my shameful weekend treats.]

We even made it back Sunday in time for my friend’s baby shower.  I wrapped up the weekend with Kevin, the kitties, and Shrek.  Whew – now I think I need a weekend to relax from my weekend!

kitty pillow

Kev & Leia

Did you have a good weekend?  What was the best thing you did?