The Early Bird Gets to Leave Early

Before we begin, I need to get something off my chest…

Dear Trip Advisor,

I love your site, and I love trips.  However, I do not love your tempting emails.  Quit alerting me to great deals on flights to London, Dublin, Buenos Aires, and other glorious destinations.  You helped sucker me into a trip to Austria in March, which was lovely, but I have no more vacation time.  Quit torturing me with your tempting offers; I can’t take it anymore!



Flashback to Austria Trip

Now that I have successfully un-subscribed to Trip Advisor’s emails, I can get into today’s real post.  It’s about love.  No, it’s not quite a Hallmark card, but let’s just say it’s not about beer either.  Come on, it’s Love Sweat and Beers – not Blood Sweat and Tears.  That wouldn’t make for fun reading, would it?  Well… unless it was written by Jack Bauer. 

Too much Netflix?

I think Jack could beat up a honey badger.

Weekend travel is my excuse for today’s missed workout.  I came to work early so that I can leave early this afternoon.  Yes, I got to work at 7 a.m. after my hour-long commute.  No, I did not get my butt out of bed at 4 to squeeze in a workout.

It’s time for my yearly family reunion.  It’s a very small and simple gathering, but I still get excited about it.  I like showing off the hubby, seeing my grandpa, and spending time with my parents.  Ooohhh… I also like my great aunt’s caramel cake.  I like the joy she gets from seeing my great uncle devour it.  Did that make sense?  She makes it for all of us, but she knows he really gets excited about it, which in turn makes her happy, which in double-turn makes me happy.  (Double-turn?  Really Tiff???)


Another Flashback: Christmas 2009

I will try to make a mini post at some point this weekend.  Of course, if you follow me on Twitter @LoveSweatBeers, you’ll be the first to know if I do!

Now, I’d like talk about my Thursday night.  See, I love my family, and of course I love my husband, but I am an only child.  I love being an only child.  I am fairly social and love spending time with others.


Every once in a while, I still need that alone time.  Loner?  Homebody?  Probably.  Call it what you must, but I have coined it Only Child Syndrome.  I get irritable and frustrated when I don’t have home alone time.   

Soooo I sort of kicked Kev out of the house last night.  He went out for drinks with friends, and I had time with pajamas, kitties, and The Little Mermaid.  I even had cereal for dinner.  Life is good.

If you thought I was kidding…
Anyone else need alone time?  Anyone else still love Disney movies?

36 Comments to “The Early Bird Gets to Leave Early”

  1. I get irritable and frustrated when I don’t have alone time too, and I’m not an only child- I think it’s something everyone needs every once in a while-

  2. Tiff –

    Great to see a message on “L”. You didn’t say it. But you’ve got it right. You can’t love others if you don’t take time to also love yourself.

  3. I am exactly the same, well i’m not an only child but i’m the same if I don’t get some time on my own every now and again… I think it’s fairly normal though, right?! 🙂

  4. I was so frustrated the other night as I had 25 pages left of a great book and everyone was talking, either to each other or on the phone and the TV was on and people were eating. Argh! I finally just went into my room for a little solitude. We all need alone time… PS – I love the Little Mermaid, Lallie has me sing the “look at this stuff” song all the time!

  5. I think everyone needs a little ‘me’ time, even those of us who are single and live alone! Have a great time at the reunion!

  6. I need exorbitant amounts of alone time (and I’m also an only child–I think you’re on to something here). I live with three roommates, so my favorite time of day is the 1-2 hours I have after work before everyone else gets home. I get to spend five days ALONE in the middle of nowhere, housesitting, and am beyond exciting–not sure I can wait another week for it to happen!

    Have a GREAT time at the mini-reunion, while alone time is great, family time is fabulous!

  7. Yes and YES. I’m a massive loner ( no shame). I need time alone otherwise I get really irritable and snappy. I especially need it when I’m living with lots of other people. I feel smothered and suffocated by people really quickly so alone time is a MUST for me!

    Love Disney. I have to be in the mood for a film but, still, love them! I go crazy at Disneyland too. I’m like a cat on catnip. 😉

  8. I love having alone nights when hubby goes to watch ufc or some other thing i don’t care to join in on
    Nothing better then eating fancy dessert, watching lame chick flicks, and plucking your eyebrows 🙂
    Have a great reunion and while you might have motivated me i still can’t bring myself to unsubscribe from my travel alert emails 😀

  9. Hehe Im an only child too, and I definitely need my alone time. I love being around people, but only to a point. Too much social interaction has me just looking for a quiet place to hide for a while. And Disney movies are the perfect way to spend some time alone. I have a huge collection of ’em!

    • I seriously need to buy a couple more. I’ve loved The Little Mermaid forever – why do I not have my own copy??? All I have are Fox n’ Hound (not my fav), Ratatouille, and Nemo.

  10. I wish I could have joined you!! I love Disney movies and the little mermaid is my favorite. Always love it. I used to play the soundtrack over and over. Me time is at about 0 right now with 3 little ones but aleast I get to enjoy disney movies with them. We watch monsters INC alot.

  11. I am having a date night in with myself tonight. Last weekend was soooo crazy, I just want a quiet night alone with pinterest, a glass of wine, & a bath. Not necessarily in that order.

  12. I love my alone time. My hubby and I work different hours so I usually get about 3 hours of alone time before he comes home and it is awesome!

  13. i totally understand you about needing alone time ~ i love people, but yes, i need time to recharge! wow ~ caramel cake?? can you aunt bake me one??!! happy friday to you! 😉
    xoxo ~ kristina

  14. I love that you watched the Little Mermaid! One of the few Disney movies I like. We sang “under the sea” in chorus in 2nd grade and I can still recite every single word 🙂

  15. I am the same way…..I love socializing but I need my nights to myself. Its just my time to relax and unwiiiind.

  16. I think alone time is important just to relax and collect your thoughts.

  17. Enjoy your family reunion! You always appreciate family more when you don’t see them as often 🙂
    I love Disney movies! Beauty and the Beast is my fave and always has been. And don’t you just love when you can have cereal for dinner? My husband will be out of town for three days and I so look forward to just eating cereal or oats or pancakes for dinner. 🙂

  18. I TOTALLY still love Disney movies. I secretly treasure my time with my nieces when we can watch them 🙂 And that night sounds like the absolute perfect night to me!

  19. Haha I wasn’t an only child, and I still need my alone time. I prefer to look at it as “I am an independent woman, and I need Jamie time.” It sounds more glamorous that way. Cereal for dinner sounds soooo good right now. If I didn’t eat the whole box, I think that’s what I would be having tonight! Disney movies never really got me going, even as a kid. Cartoons just never excited me – I couldn’t get past the fact that they were cartoons and not real people. BUT Mighty Ducks is a Disney movie and it’s one of my old favorites!

  20. Haha, I’m an only child too, and I SO know what you mean! I love my alone time. 🙂 Glad you get some of that tonight!

    Your family pic is too cute!

  21. OH yeah, I need my alone time! I love spending time by myself, I find it essential to help me relax and clear my mind. Have a great time this weekend! 🙂

  22. Yes to the disney and a MAJOR yes to the alone time. I really enjoy time to myself!

  23. Oh Jack Bauer, how I love you. I was so addicted to that show. He was a real man 😉
    Oh yes alone time and me have quite a relationship. I love having that time to just relax or do what I need to!

  24. I LOVE Disney movies! I haven’t seen one in a while, but I always listen to the Disney Pandora station 🙂

  25. I don’t think I’ll ever stop loving Disney movies! They’re just so many amazing ones out there! And I definitely know how you feel about alone time. I feel like that all the time!

  26. I’m the youngest of 6 kids and I TOTALLY need my alone time too :), Miriam@Meatless Meals For Meat Eaters

  27. Even though I’m part of a bigger family and love the noise and chaos, I definitely still need my alone time. In fact, the boyfriend is out of town tonight so I’ve go the house to myself and I’m sort of enjoying the quiet 😉

  28. Thanks for your comment today–it prompted me to come over and check out your site!

    I just look at pictures of my trips to Europe and I want to go back NOW. I was doing that yesterday and whining to my husband, “can we go back to Europe soon please?” I loved Austria. I only went to Vienna, but it was beautiful and so was the countryside I traveled through on the way back to Switzerland.

    I can totally relate to needing time alone. I am the youngest of 7 kids, but I sort of grew up like an only child since my siblings are a lot older than me. I like being social, but I also build in some me time during the weekend/week.

  29. Disney movies are pretty much the greatest!

    I’m thrilled to be having a baby soon just so I can work on my disney movie collection!*

    *Ok, ok, that’s no really the reason I’m thrilled. But it’s a huge perk! 🙂

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