Running Shoes & Wands

The wand chooses the wizard… it’s not always clear why.


My new running shoes! Keep reading to find out how buying running shoes is like purchasing a wand…


First off, old shoes can lead to injury. I have Mizunos, which are cheaper than other brands, but they do not last as long. Not even the Weasleys can use hand-me-down or worn-out wands, so don’t even think about using old running shoes!

Ron Weasley

If you don’t know the style you need, or if you are just interested in changing it up, you benefit from visiting a specialty store. Harry and his buddies went to Ollivander’s. I’ve visited a number of specialty shops, including a few Fleet Feet Sports stores in various states.

The knowledgeable sales staff in any specialty store should watch you run in the shoes you try on. They view your stride and help you find the best fit. Some stores even record your feet while you run on a treadmill. I never knew how wobbly my feet looked until seeing them on camera!

Mr. Ollivander lets his patrons test their wands too. That’s important, especially if you blow things up in the store like Harry.

This weekend, I already knew I wanted a new pair of Mizuno shoes, so I went to Dick’s Sporting Goods. I tried on two Mizuno stability shoes. (Stability helps with wobbly feet!) I went with the more expensive pair. You can’t scrimp on wands either. I doubt phoenix tails and dragon scales come cheap!

Don’t be embarrassed trying on shoes. The last time I bought a pair of shoes, I had the sweet sales lady bring out 7 or 8 pairs, and yes, I ran around the store in most all of them.  Ollivander cant wand-fit a patron on the first try either.


Lastly, don’t buy what’s cool or cute. It’s rarely the best thing for you. Dad wouldn’t let me get anything cute for my first running shoe. After running through my first good pair, he analyzed the bottoms of my shoes to see where I wore the most tread and cushion. Then he suggested my next pair. My physical therapist later recommended the exact same shoe my dad had selected. Trust me; they weren’t cute!  I doubt it was cool to get the sibling wand of Valdemort, but you know what – Harry’s too cool to care.

Oh, I got a pair of cross trainers this weekend too. They’re sooooo awesome!

new balance

Do you have a favorite brand of runners, walkers, or cross trainers? Ever been to a specialty shop?

36 Responses to “Running Shoes & Wands”

  1. HAHA! shoes and wands… nice!

  2. I’m a big New Balance girl… Love Fleet Feet – We have a couple specialty running stores in Houston that are awesome. I used to always want the prettiest colored ones – yea – I’m a girl – BUT I now realize that I need the ones that fit my foot the best! xoxo from Trinidad p.s.cute shoes hee hee

    • I’ve always had amazing service at Fleet Feet, but mom n’ pop shops are good too. At least running shoes are getting cuter, even if they aren’t always the best looking things on the rack.

  3. I have always been pretty loyal to Asics but I recently got a pair of New Balance and I love them! I also love Nike Frees for shorter runs. I can’t wear them all the time because my feet pronate and I need all the support I can get! They are super light though and really comfortable.

  4. I go in stages with my running shoes. In high school I wore New Balance, then I swtiched to Saucony in college, then to Mizuno for about 4 years and now I am running in Kswiss. I run/walk on the outside of my foot and I have a seriousy HIGH arch but surprisingly shoes are super easy for me to find…the only shoe I can’t wear is Nike because it is too narrow.

  5. I’m an Asics loyalist most usually but since getting hurt have made the switch over to Brooks. I’m a fan of both but really feel loyal to my Asics 🙂

  6. I am a firm believer in getting your running style checked out and spending money on good shoes. SO worth it. I am loving my Brooks Ghost 3. I love Saucony Ride 3 but they wear way too fast on the treat – I can’t afford to go through them that quickly.

    • I know what you mean. At least Mizunos are cheaper since they don’t last as long. I’m pretty sure it’s their “wave” technology that is super bouncy but gives out over time.

  7. The Harry Potter references are amazing 🙂 I love New Balance sneakers… I just got new Nikes and they’re not as comfortable :/

  8. Hahaha I love that you compared that to buying wands. I only wish that wands actually existed ;). I don’t have a favorite brand of shoes, but the ones that usually feel the best on my feet are asics and brooks!

  9. I used to be really big on Nike, but when I got more into running, I went to a specialty shop to get properly fitted and ended up falling in love with Brooks. Asics feel great, too, but Brooks have my heart.

  10. I swear by my Asics for running. I’ve never actually been fitted/tested to see what I should be wearing but these shoes are super comfy and last pretty long. I’ve never had any issues so I’m sticking to them! Although, I would like to actually go to one of those places where they record your gait and all that just because I’m curious. There are none anywhere close to me though!

  11. I just bought new running sneaks too! I got Peal Izumis for the first time ever–and I’m in love! They just feel so good. They are also pretty darn ugly–so I guess I have to second your recommendation not to go for cute. I’ll save the funky fun colors for my casual shoes.

  12. Don’t know why but I’m preferential to Asics.

  13. I acutally really like addias but I used to be a HUGE new balance girl! My shoes need lot of room because of my inserts though. It’s a pain.

  14. I don’t have a particular brand that I am loyal to, I just go with what fits…. I went for the trendy ‘barefoot running’ shoe and ended up liking them a whole lot!!!! I wasn’t expecting to like them that much, but I did!

  15. Love your new running shoes! I’m one of those ppl who hate trying on clothes, or shoes. I was looking into buying some sneakers on zappos, since my sister is always finding great deals on there. I bought my current sneakers on, after taking the test they had on there. There pretty great sneakers, and haven’t had a problem with them.

  16. Hi Tiff! I love the Brooks Adrenaline! I am super hard to fit because I have the worst ankles and need extra support. I think I tried on 6 pair at a running specialty store before I found the perfect pair. No shame!

  17. I’m getting fitted for new shoes at a real running shop soon. I hate to drop the dough on them, since they’re cheaper online, but I figure doing it once will help me pick out my own from now on 🙂

  18. Baha this post cracked me up! Love the wand and HP references 😉

  19. Hhahaa this is so true, I am loving the reference you made. I am so obsessed with Harry Potter 🙂
    And those shoes are fantastic!

  20. Haha! I love this post!

    I went to a Fleet Feet store here and they taped my running on the treadmill and all that which is so interesting to see. They put me in the ugliest pair of Brooks *ever*. I don’t understand why a good running shoe can’t come in bright, fun colors?! Why do they have to be so uggglllyyy?

  21. Great tips!! And so true! The best shoes are rarely the cutest ones, at least for my feet anyway. 🙂 That goes with other things, too. When I was 12, my Dad took me to buy a new bike. I wanted this pink and purple one that had 21 speeds, a raised seat, etc. etc. He selected a turquoise Huffy cruiser that had 3 speeds. It was actually more expensive and my Dad promised me that I would NOT need 21 speeds and that the one he selected would be comfy for me to ride. I had that bike for 7 years. 🙂 And it was not cute. It looked like something a grandma would ride.

  22. oOOOO your cross trainers look so COOL!!!! I love black exercise shoes the most. I remember that in my xcountry days, my coaches always told us that old shoes are a no-no! But I always tend to wear out every shoe I wear and don’t get new ones for a loooong time. I’m trying though! hehe

  23. Love this!! Haha funny analogy! I love those cross trainers too… sneakers are hot!!

  24. Yay for new shoes! I know I should, but I’ve never been to a special running store to get shoes. I’ve heard about how great they are and how they really know how to fit people into shoes, but I’m way too cheap!


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