Posts tagged ‘tea’

September 29, 2011

Friday Eve

Happy Friday Eve!  See, when it’s one of those weeks when I can’t believe it’s only Thursday, I like to refer to the day as Friday Eve instead.  It sounds better, doesn’t it?


I have a few opinionated tips for you all today.  The post is really pretty scatter-written because I’m scatter-brained right now.  Bear with me.

1. When swinging weights or kettle bells around “at tempo” during a workout, don’t hit yourself in the knee.  It bruises.  It hurts.


It's not a crazy one, but it's big for me!

2.  If you must go for a frozen meal, but an Evol dish.  I had my first one yesterday, and it was quite tasty.

teriyaki chicken bowl

Teriyaki Chicken Bowl

They’re healthy, gluten-free, and even the ingredients are attractive!


Sorry for Soy Haters

3. If you’re doing one-legged dead lifts, be sure to count how many you do.  I definitely overdid it on Tuesday, and it felt like I got kidney punched on both sides.  I was sore all day yesterday!

Thanks for the pic, Women's Health Magazine!

4. Have a backup plan.  On Monday, I gave into office pressure and had Mayfield Mint Chocolate Chip Select ice cream.  It was awesome.  Yesterday, I refused soft, fresh, delicious-smelling cookies.  Instead of grabbing a cookie, I had decaf vanilla chai tea.  Was it as good as a cookie?  Not even close.  Did I feel a lot better about myself (especially a lot better than Monday)?  Heck yes.  Thank goodness for backup plans!

Bigelow Tea

It's tasty tea, but I later saw that it's artificially flavored. (Bummer!)

5. Don’t stress!  I’m busy and a little stressed at the moment with work and my friends’ inability to plan.  I’m also frustrated that I can’t find the answers I want for the blog.  I’d hoped to be self hosting by now with a slightly different look.  As you can see… I am not.

Thanks for reading.  I hope you took away at least one useful tidbit of knowledge!

What’s the best frozen or pre-prepared grocery meal you’ve had lately?

August 24, 2011

WIAW: Sandwich Edition

Yeehaw y’all – it is wiiiii-aaawwww (WIAW) time again.  Before I share my eats of the week, I’d like to share the link to the awesome Peas & Crayons WIAW Blog Party.  I recommend you hop over to check out all the other great eats.

Breakfast for the week includes a pre-workout rice cake and a post-workout parfait.  The parfait is about 95 calories worth of non-fat, plain Greek yogurt, 70 calories worth of Kashi GoLean cereal, and 85 calories worth of blueberries.  It’s berry filling.  (Forgive my embarrassing pun, but there really are a lot of berries in there!)

Lunch is both simple and wonderful.  I hadn’t purchased Great Harvest Bread Co. bread before, but I am sooooo glad I did this weekend.  I got a loaf of the honey whole wheat.  It was delicious and contained only 5 ingredients!

I’m having one large slice with 1 can of tuna, 2 or 3 TBS chipotle yummus, 1 or 2 leaves of iceberg lettuce.  I pair my simple sandwich with side of sliced bell pepper or zucchini.

filling, fibrous, and fatty (healthy fatty, that is)

Snack has been pretty awesome.  It involves 1 peach and 1 half of a nutrition bar.  Want more information about the bar?  Well you can’t have it.

Just Peachy

Sorry – that was the bratty only-child in me.  I’ll actually be happy to share the details, but you’ll have to wait.  (Psssst… The details are worth the wait because it involves a delicious giveaway.)

I’ve been utilizing leftovers for dinner this week, but I haven’t been abusing them.  I had the same thing Monday and Tuesday, which was a grilled onion and chicken sandwich on more of that awesome bread with lite cheddar cheese.  That too went with a side of green beans.

I’m also having the same thing tonight as Thursday, which will be some sort of Shirataki noodle stir-fry.  I’m pretty excited to try those suckers out!  I’ll let you know what I think of them tomorrow.

Oh, and I definitely had some after-dinner treats.  Monday was a bar I can’t tell you about yet, and Tuesday was a 100-calorie bag of popcorn.  Mmmmm… salty goodness!  My last note, I was so proud of myself for turning down office sweets yesterday.  Woohoo!!!

Do you typically snack after dinner?  If so, what’s your go-to snack?

Also, thanks for all the sweet bday wishes.  You guys made it more special than a typical Tuesday!